The day before our performance we took a look at the performance space (the foyer of QEH) only to find no space! It was filled with an audience ready to watch the royal wedding on a giant screen! We found space outdoors next to QEH to rehearse in the sun. Much curiosity was directed towards us Dissidents! The next day, when we arrived at QEH, we were taken to our dressing room which was very spacious and was off a larger room with easy chairs and plenty of refreshments (a very welcome touch).
It was with some trepidation that I waited for the music to start.
Waiting nervously, for the chord which was our cue to start.
It was good to hear the opening notes so that we could start our moves to Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child. Once I got going, with fellow Dissidents, the nerves went concentrating on each move of the moment and the next one and the next one...
All too soon it was over.
The applause and whoops by the audience were much appreciated. It was a relief that it had gone well and also the realization that I had enjoyed it. Performing helps take my mind off any body niggles as they are temporarily forgotten.
Performing on the South Bank was very enjoyable. Now to practice for Dissidents next performance at the Rose Theatre, Kingston on 16th June to improve on the last performance and enjoy it even more!
Written by Janine Smith